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Please complete and submit the form below to request the data of interest

First Name
Last Name
Address Company
in company
of the request

Criterion and Tree species

European Forest Type (EFT) Beech forest (Faggete montane)
Broadleaved evergreen forest (Foreste di latifoglie sempreverdi)
Thermophilous deciduous forest (Foreste di latifoglie decidue termofile)
Main Tree Species (MTS) Fagus sylvatica
Quercus ilex
Qercus cerris
Criterio 1
Indicatori tradizionali
Growing stock (Massa in piedi)
C stock (Stock di carbonio)
Soil C content (Contenuto di carbonio nel suolo)
Diameter distribution/age class (Distribuzione in classi diametriche/classi di età)
Criterio 1
Indicatori innovativi
Total aboveground tree biomass (Biomassa arborea epigea totale)
Growth efficiency (Efficienza di accrescimento)
Criterio 2
Indicatori tradizionali
Deposition of air pollutants (Deposizione di inquinanti atmosferici)
Chemical soil properties (Condizione del suolo)
Defoliation (Defogliazione)
Forest damage (Danni forestali)
Criterio 2
Indicatori innovativi
Stand growth (Accrescimento arboreo)
Chlorophyll a fluorescence (Fluorescenza della clorofilla a)
Chlorophyll content (Contenuto di clorofilla>
Leaf traits (Tratti anatomici fogliari)
Criterio 3
Induicatori tradizionali
Criterio 3
Indicatori innovativi
Increment and fellings (Incrementi e prelievi legnosi)
Roundwood (Legno tondo)
Marketed mushrooms production (Prodotti non-legnosi)
Criterio 4
Indicatori tradizionali
Standing deadwood volume (Volume del legno morto in piedi)
Lying deadwood volume (Volume del legno morto a terra)
Basal area tree (Area basimetrica delle piante arboree per plot)
Criterio 4
Indicatori innovativi
Edible mushrooms - Species richness (Ricchezza specifica dei funghi commestibili)
Edible mushrooms - Species biomass (Peso secco dei funghi commestibili)
Lichen richness (Ricchezza specifica dei licheni epifiti)
Native herbaceous species richness (Ricchezza specifica delle piante erbacee native)
Forest herbaceous species richness (Ricchezza specifica delle piante erbacee di ambiente forestale)
Wood dacaying fungi richness (Ricchezza specifica dei funghi lignicoli)
Criterio 5
Indicatori tradizionali
Criterio 5
Indicatori innovativi
Overstorey cover (Copertura del soprassuolo)
Understorey cover (Copertura della rinnovazione)
Ground litter depth (Spessore della lettiera)
Briophyte cover (Copertura delle briofite)
Flood retention (Ritenzione idrica)
Criterio 6
Indicatori tradizionali
Forest_to_GDP (Contributo del settore forestale al PIL)
Net_Revenue (Reddito netto della proprietà forestale)
Criterio 6
Indicatori innovativi
Workforce (Manodopera forestale)
Trade_in_wood (Commercio del legno)
Wood_Energy (Energia termica dalle risorse legnose)
Recreation (Valore ricreativo)
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Data Policy [2018-09-18]

Rights and Obligations of the Applicant
In order to receive the data of interest, the applicant has to submit this application form to dr. Andrea Cutini, the coordinator of the LIFE project "Shaping future forestry for sustainable coppices in Southern Europe: the legacy of past management trials" (LIFE FutureForCoppiceS).
The applicant has to fill the form with all requested information and declare in "Request description" box the intended use of the data requested, specifying the purpose in detail.
The data request is first evaluated by the project coordinator due to formal correctness. Hereafter, the project coordinator sends the request to the project's partners in charge of the specific data. Beneficiaries provide the data to the applicant in the most suitable aggregation level, depending on the request purpose.

Use of Data
The applicant is allowed to use the requested data only for the purpose described in the request form. It constitutes a breach of the agreement if data is submitted to other parties or used for purposes other than declared in the proposal.
The applicant is free to provide requested data to peer-reviewed journals for validation purposes on demand if the peer-reviewed journal does not request to publish this data.

Distribution of Results
Any publication based on data from the LIFE FutureForCoppiceS DB has to be provided to the project coordinator for publication on the LIFE FutureForCoppiceS website.

The applicant is obliged to properly acknowledge the origin of used data with following acknowledgement text in any publication:
"The evaluation was based on data collected within the LIFE FutureForCoppiceS project (LIFE14 ENV/IT/000514); https://www.futureforcoppices.eu/en/"
For any form of graphical presentation of results (e.g. maps, tables, presentations) the following short label should be used including the hyperlink to the official LIFE FutureForCoppiceS website:
"Based on LIFE FutureForCoppiceS data; https://www.futureforcoppices.eu/en/"

Sending this request, the applicant confirms to have read and understood the above intellectual property rules and publication policy of LIFE FutureForCoppiceS project and guarantees to maintain them.