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This table shows the data of some sustainable forest management (SFM) indicators, both consolidated and new, referred to Criterion 1 (Maintenance and appropriate enhancement of forest resources and their contribution to global C cycle) measured in the study areas of the LIFE FutureForCoppiceS project. Values represent the averages and standard deviations (where possible) calculated for the three EFTs and the management options considered. Among the indicators currently used to evaluate forests contribution to C cycle, Growing stock, C stock, Soil organic C content were considered. Among the new indicators tested , the values of Total aboveground tree biomass and Growth Efficiency are reported .

SFM Criterion 1 Fagus sylvatica
management option
Quercus cerris
management option
Quercus ilex
management option
Indicator Type conversion natural evolution traditional coppice conversion natural evolution traditional coppice conversion natural evolution
[m3 ha-1]
consolidated 366.7 ±38.8 502.2 101.6 ±27.7 283.5 ±73.5 357.5 ±98.1 17.7 ±10.6 159.9 ±84.6 313.0 ±85.2
[Mg ha-1]
consolidated 152.1 ±16.1 209.6 42.1 ±11.5 120.3 ±31.1 151.7 ±41.6 7.5 ±4.5 72.5 ±36.7 132.8 ±36.2
[g Kg-1]
consolidated 29.5 ±6.8 28.8 32.0 ±6.5 24.3 ±5.0 27.8 ±6.6 23.6 ±0.1 35.9 ±7.0 25.9 ±6.6
[Mg ha-1]
new 477.8 ±73.4 419.1 220.4 ±21.9 362.5 ±68.3 303.4 ±83.2 160.1 ±10.3 275.3 ±61.0 265.6 ±72.3
Growth_Efficiency_LAI new 2.2 2.5 - 0.6 - - 2.6 ±0.1 -
Growth_Efficiency_Litter new 3.2 2.7 - 4 ±2.4 1.6±0.7 - - -

This table shows the data of some sustainable forest management (SFM) indicators, both consolidated and new, referred to Criterion 2 (Maintenance of health and vitality of forest ecosystems) measured in the study areas of the LIFE FutureForCoppiceS project. Values represent the averages and standard deviations (where possible) calculated for the three EFTs and the management options considered.Among the indicators currently used to evaluate health and vitality of forests, defoliation, soil acidity (Soil_pH_0-10) and organic carbon content (Soil_organic C_0-10) in the first 10 cm depth were considered. Among the new indicators tested , the values of chlorophyll content in leaves (Leaf_Chl_SPAD), the leaf thickness and the maximum yield of primary photochemistry of photosystem II (Fv / Fm) are reported .

SFM Criterion 2 Fagus sylvatica
management option
Quercus cerris
management option
Quercus ilex
management option
Indicator Type conversion natural evolution traditional coppice conversion natural evolution traditional coppice conversion natural evolution
Defoliation [%] consolidated 25.7 ±1.8 22.4 37.5 ±3.5 12.6 ±3.1 12.9 ±1.8 11.0 ±1.7 16.4 ±4.2 15.7 ±8.3
0-10 [cm]
consolidated 4.9 ±0.1 5.2 4.6 ±0.2 5.8 ±0.9 5.8 ±0.9 6.1 ±0.9 5.8 ±0.4 6.0 ±0.6
Soil_organic C
0-10 [cm]
consolidated 43.4 ±9.7 43.0 47.4 ±22.0 44.6 ±12.1 53.7 ±15.0 46.8 ±4.2 66.9 ±13.7 58.3 ±11.2
Leaf_Chl_SPAD [spad] new 36.1 ±1.4 37.5 - 41.5 38.8 41.5 ±0.6 46.7 ±1.3 46.8 ±1.1
Leaf thickness [mm] new 0.30 ±0.01 0.33 - 0.39 0.38 0.42 ±0.00 0.35 ±0.11 0.35 ±0.10
Fv/Fm new 0.83 ±0.01 0.83 - 0.83 0.83 0.83 ±0.01 0.83 0.78

This table shows the data of new sustainable forest management (SFM) indicators referred to Criterion 3 (Maintenance and Encouragement of productive functions of Forests ,wood and non-woods) measured in the study areas of the LIFE FutureForCoppiceS project. Values represent the averages and standard deviations (where possible) calculated for the three EFTs and the management options considered. Among the new indicators tested to evaluate forests productive function, Increment and fellings, Roundwood and Marketed Mushrooms Production were considered.

SFM Criterion 3 Fagus sylvatica
management option
Quercus cerris
management option
Quercus ilex
management option
Indicator Type conversion natural evolution traditional coppice conversion natural evolution traditional coppice conversion natural evolution
Increment_and_Fellings [%] new 46.0 ±3.8 - 64.5 ±7.5 50.8 ±21.6 - 90.4 ±6.2 105.1 ±11.2 -
Roundwoodbr[m3 ha-1] new 261.1 ±24.1 - 164.1 ±19.5 150.7 ±54.1 - 171.0 ±22.7 211.8 ±25.9 -
Production [€ ha-1]
new 59.8 ±74.7 0.0 - 4.4 17.2 131.5 ±34.0 297.1 ±328.6 0.0

The table shows the data of the nine traditional and innovative indicators of sustainable forest management (SFM) referred to Criterion 4 - Biological Diversity in Forest Ecosystems measured in the study areas of the LIFE FutureForCoppiceS project.

SFM Criterion 4 Fagus sylvatica
management option
Quercus cerris
management option
Quercus ilex
management option
Indicator Type conversion natural evolution traditional coppice conversion natural evolution traditional coppice conversion natural evolution
Edible_Mushrooms_Species_Richness [n] new 2.25 ±0.96 0.00 - 2.00 1.00 4.50 ±0.71 0.83 ±0.75 0.0
Edible_Mushrooms_Species_Biomass [n] new 18.04 ±14.96 - - 3.87 18.41 16.15 ±6.13 57.01 ±45.97 0.0
Standing_Deadwood_Volume consolidated - 65.65 ± - - 25.70 ±7.53 - - 35.51
Lying_Deadwood_Volume consolidated - 27.61 ± - - 44.77 ±10.76 - - 13.05
Lichen_Richness [%] new 3.00 ±0.82 4.00 ± - 8.00 5.00 9.00 5.17 ±2.79 2.00 ±2.00
Native_Herb_Species_Richness [n] new 5.25 ±4.57 1.00 ± - 24.00 26.00 25.50 ±3.53 16.17 ±6.34 5.33 ±2.31
Forest_Herb_Species_Richness [n] new 2.00 1.00 - 9.00 12.00 14.00 ±1.41 3.00 ±0.89 2.33 ±0.58
Woody_species_richness [n] consolidated 1.30 ±0.52 2.00 1.00 ±0.00 2.50 ±1.17 2.30 ±1.03 1.50 ±0.71 1.40 ±0.53 2.40 ±0.55
Wood_Decaying_Fungi_Richness [n] new 9.50 ±2.38 15.00 - 10.00 13.00 7.50 ±2.12 3.50 ±1.76 4.00 ±2.00

This table shows the data of new sustainable forest management (SFM) indicators referred to Criterion 5 (Maintenance and Encouragement of Protective Functions in Forest Management ,wood and non-woods) measured in the study areas of the LIFE FutureForCoppiceS project. Values represent the averages and standard deviations (where possible) calculated for the three EFTs and the management options considered. Among the new indicators tested to evaluate forests protective function, Overstorey Cover, Understorey cover, Ground litter depth, Briophyte cover, Flood retention were considered.

SFM Criterion 5 Fagus sylvatica
management option
Quercus cerris
management option
Quercus ilex
management option
Indicator Type conversion natural evolution traditional coppice conversion natural evolution traditional coppice conversion natural evolution
Overstorey_Cover [0-1] new 0.93 ±0.02 1.0 0.58 ±0.04 0.8 0.8 0.81 ±0.01 0.77 ±0.1 0.89 ±0.04
Understorey_Cover [0-1] new 0.03 ±0.01 0.0 0.25 ±0.1 0.2 0.1 0.13 ±0.002 0.04 ±0.02 0.07 ±0.01
Ground_Litter_Depth [cm] new 1.98 ±0.5 2.9 - 1.5 1.4 1.32 ±0.3 1.57 ±0.40 1.88 ±0.13
Briophyte_Cover [0-1] new 0.01 ±0.01 0.0 - 0.0 0.1 0.08 ±0.01 0.18 ±0.1 0.14 ±0.02
Flood_Retention new 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.24 ±0.02 0.23 ±0.01

This table shows the data of the forest management indicators (SFM), both consolidated and new, referred to Criterion 6 (Socio-economic functions and conditions), measured in the study areas of the LIFE FutureForCoppiceS project. "Workforce" and "wood trade" indicators are also considered, but their values are not included in the table because they have been calculated respectively at the provincial and district level, therefore are in no way attributable to the type of treatment or forest species. The values represent the calculated averages for the different tree species and the main silvicultural options tested.

SFM Criterion 6 Fagus sylvatica
management option
Quercus cerris
management option
Quercus ilex
management option
Indicator Type conversion natural evolution traditional coppice conversion natural evolution traditional coppice conversion natural evolution
consolidated 0.02 ±0.01 -0.02 0.02 0.03 -0.03 0.02 0.02 ±0.01 -0.02
[€/ha anno]
consolidated 46.92 ±2.07 -39.84 30.71 ±5.10 39.01 ±5.89 -39.79 ±4.40 49.83 ±12.34 35.49 ±4.36 -35.61 ±0.51
[MWht/ha anno]
new 1.68 ±0.14 -1.49 1.14 ±0.14 1.21 ±0.13 -1.17 ±0.08 0.90 ±0.06 0.80 ±0.51 -0.94 ±0.76
new 8.80 8.64 7.55 8.17 ±0.39 7.20 ±0.26 7.60 8.74 ±0.56 7.04